Writing and Research

Journal articles

Playing with Infrastructure like a Carishina: Feminist Cycling in an Era of Democratic Politics. Antipode, 2019

Moving with Masculine Care in the city, CIty: Analysis and Trends,. with Cristen Dávalos, 2019.

Bus Rapid Transit in Solo, Indonesia: Lessons from a low ridership system. Cases on Transport Policy with Erick Guerra and John Taylor, 2019.

Experimental Infrastructure: Experiences in Bicycling in Quito, Ecuador. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2017. 

From people to cycling indicators: Documenting and understanding the urban context of cyclists' experiences in Quito, Ecuador,with Bernhard Snizek and Thomas Sick-Nielsen Journal of Transport Geography, 2017. 

other writing

 Gendered Cycling and Covid-19: Navigating Immobility and Emptiness in Quito, Ecuador. ReVista Harvard Review of Latin America, 2021.

A Transit Manifesto for Quito. 2020. NACLA Report on the Americas, 2020

Is Informal Transit Land-Oriented? Working Paper Lincoln Institute for Land Policy with Elisa Puga, 2017.

The (Re)turn of the Underground Metro: Rationalizing Quito's Metro Rail, Blog, Spatial Planning in Latin American, 2014. 


book Chapters

“Sustainable Urban Mobility Policy and the Lived Experiences of Cycling in Quito, Ecuador”, in: Hernández-Garcia, J., Cárdenas O-Byrne, S., Garcia-Jerez, A., Beza, B.B. (Eds.), Urban Space: Experiences and Reflections from the Global South. Sello Editorial Javeriano, Bogotá, pp. 241–260. 2018. doi:10.2307/j.ctvhn0bx4.

projects and talks

I recently completed COVID-19 related research with my undergraduate student researcher. Please see the StoryMap we worked on that highlights how we use data-driven methods to gather qualitative data on the move.

Here is access to a talk I did recently on this cycling research project, which is also a part of the work of C2M2 Cites’ COVID Mitigation Mapping Network.